Admission Procedure

The school admits students belonging to all strata of the society. Rahul Ma Shikshan Sansthan School has a heterogeneous class composition and we admit children of lawyers, doctors, chartered accountants, architects, engineers, management professionals, government officials and people from all walks of life. Admissions are granted to students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and from various communities.

Nursery- Admission to class nursery will be through informal interaction with parents of child.

  • Incomplete registration forms will not be processed.
  • Submission of registration forms does not guarantee admission, which will depend on the number of seats available.
  • The list of selected children will be displayed.
  • There are 20 seats in each nursery class.

The school management reserves the right to grant admission to any child. Kindly report to the management if anyone is giving assurance or commitment of admission. You may call on 9214831298 or email to [email protected]
